Nancy and Bob Sadock

Nancy and Bob Sadock

  • How long have you known Mark?Since he moved to Greenwich, CT.
  • Three words to describe Mark: Faithful,, Energetic, Passionate
  • If Mark created a nickname for you, what is it and where did it come from?

    "Doc" for Dr. Sadock
    "Nan" for Nancy only because I imagine him finding a unique way of greeting in order to engage right away.

  • Funny memory with Mark:

    With Dave Crimmons at Lake Champion singing "Baby Don't Hurt Me No More".
    The outfits and antics were hysterical!!

  • How has Mark impacted your life?

    A powerful example of a man of faith. And an example that a man of serious faith can be seriously funny and in touch with the world at the same time.
    He helped our children in their faith journeys.

  • What do you think Mark’s legacy will be? What is his lasting imprint on the world?

    A witness of:
    A man of commitment.
    A man who loves his wife and children.
    A man who serves.
    A man who is humble. A man who runs the race well and so encourages others to do the same.

  • Anything else you’d like to say to wish Mark Happy 50th Birthday!

    The photo with your sons is great! They are lucky to call you "Dad".
    Enjoy each day with them and your beautiful wife!
    We wish you the most joyful of celebrations!
    And of course we wish you 50 more years! We only wish you didn't move so far away!!
    XO Nancy and Bob